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about me
and I'M a STUDENT of 5th GRADE

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■ Asik hari ini aku tidur sama ibu tapi di suruh isi...
■  WaTCH ouT!! MaN aT WoRK   Do NoT DiSTuRB Wah t...
■ *aduh maaf ya Chaline tidak bisa di save as, tapi...
■ Asyik ragnaroknya udah ada lagi kepengen main deh....
■ aku bangun pagi nih. kemarin aku pulang sekolah ja...
■ Tadi siang baru jalan lagi internetnya loh, udah 2...
■ akukan lagi maleeees isiin blog lagi- lagi besok s...
■ Aku punya permainan namanya Ragnarok loh kan si ta...
■ Akukan lagi males nulis blog. Oh iyakan dulu aku p...
■ Asyik sekarang aku punya mainan baru namanya medab...
thank you

Posted by Hello
my family

nice words only

leave your mark here  where are you come from?

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Monday, August 11, 2003

this is my icon at Mandarin ..thank you to miss Michelle..actually I can speak English but not too good, my mom always push me to speak in English. And in this blog is a place where I write about my daily activities..and I tell you miss Michelle in Bahasa..terimakasih bu Michelle, hope you always in good.

kalau mau lihat aslinya klik saja...Mandarin Design

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